Thoresby Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust

Our Curriculum

Curriculum intention

Our curriculum has been carefully designed to ensure that every child learns. By this we mean that they know more and remember more.

We believe a curriculum is much more than a series of lessons. We have drawn upon the most recent research about how the brain works

At Thoresby, our curriculum;

Develops the whole child – We are committed to developing their physical, mental, spiritual, cultural and intellectual health. Our children need to be academically ready for the next step in their education and of equal importance is making sure they are equipped to be responsible citizens who can be happy and fulfilled in all areas of their life. We have become international leaders in the development of Character Education, supporting children’s personal development. Our work in this field has been recognised through us being named as the DfE National Award Winner in 2016 and being one of only a small number of schools nationally to be awarded the Character Kitemark plus in 2021.

Connects knowledge, skills, understanding and concepts – Through a rich programme of memorable learning experiences that covers the full range of subjects. This allows our children to develop a range of schemata (the way we organise knowledge in our brains) that builds their long- term memory.

Is responsive to our ever-changing population – One of the greatest features of our school is the fast-moving dynamics of our wonderful families. Around 100 children per year move in and out of Thoresby outside of normal transition times. In fact, in most weeks we welcome another new family to our team! Our children and their families arrive from all parts of the world with amazing experiences, cultures, languages and beliefs. Our curriculum both reflects and embraces this diversity.

Keeps up with a changing world – We re-visit and review our curriculum regularly. It will never be finished as it needs to be responsive to new research, technologies, priorities and topics that help our children prepare for the future.

Opens doors for dialogue and collaboration – Our children are not taught in isolation. They are valued and important members of our society with a voice that should be heard. We make sure they are equipped with the knowledge that enables them to enquire, challenge and investigate further and also the skills and confidence to communicate their views to others.

Is relevant to the local context – Our community is very proud to be part of Hull and the surrounding area. This historic port has been critical in past national and international events and will play a crucial part in forming a sustainable and responsible future through renewable energies. There is a wealth of resource in the local area that our curriculum draws from and we grasp every opportunity to give our children the chance to study local, national and international issues.

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