We have a number of clubs which children at Thoresby can get involved in. Please find the details below:
Digital Leaders
The Digital Leaders meet on a regular basis to discuss new technologies and internet safety. They have created an internet safety video and presented it to the whole school during assembly. They have also tried out new software and given ideas towards the curriculum.
The Eco Committee
During the course of the year, the Eco Committee have been meeting on a regular basis to talk about important issues involving both our local and wider communities. To start, we looked at the importance of recycling and the alternatives we could use instead of plastics. Through the children’s independent research we found that plastic takes a really long time to decompose. We were then invited to take part in the National Environmental Conference. Thoresby, along with other schools in the city, took part in a debate about an oil company wanting to dig through the Rainforest. This term we have been looking at conservation and climate change. We had an artist come into school during Kaleidoscope to help us create our very own mural stating ‘we are never too small to make a difference’.
Enterprise Committee
The Enterprise Committee work together to raise funds for our community and beyond. We have recently taken part in the £5 Blossom Challenge, we have organise film nights and food stalls after school. We work closely with many Hull based organisations and this develops children’s entrepreneurial skills and promotes teamwork
Events Committee
The events committee have helped to organise, plan and support with events that have happened throughout the school. This year they have helped to raise funds by selling brownies after school to help resource our amazing ground force days, which raised money for resources to improve our outdoor area. In addition many members helped to organise the film nights which also contributed to raising funds for the school. We hosted our first ever science showcase this year and the events committee helped to set up the showcase and lead their year group showcase amongst their peers.